Plus, the equilibrium position is greatly inuenced by uncertainties o the proximity sensors and magnetic feld strength,. As is extensively discussed in the literature, controlling the object’s position is a challenging task as the MagLev system is inherently nonlinear and unstable. An electroma gnet orce is then genera ted to keep the object levitating in the desired location. In this case, a sensor is used to locate the object and transmit the data to the controller, which is in charge o contr ollin g the current owin g through the coil.
In order to lev itate an object using elect romag netic orce, a eedback loop is typicall y present. The technology has at- tracted a wide feld o applications such as high-speed trains -, mineral measurement methods, plastic shrinkage void detection, energy harvesting, , and disease diagnostics. MagLev technol- ogy is used to eliminate mechanical contact in order to alleviate riction between stationary and active parts in the system, which can eventually reduce maintenance costs and increase efciency. The role o the electro magne ts is to generate a time- var ying magnetic feld that can either attract the object rom above or repulse the object rom below. Magnetic levitation (MagLev) is technique to hold an object alot by continually adjusting the strength o magnetic feld produce d by electrom agnet s.